Google Ads vs Facebook Ads and Which One is Best for Growing Your Business

Google Ads vs Facebook Ads... Which one is best for your business? In this blog post, we will be going over the pro's and con's of each so that you understand which advertising platform is the right fit for your business.

Table of Contents

1. What is the main difference between Google Ads and Facebook Ads?

2. The benefits of Google Ads

3. The benefits of Facebook Ads

4. How to choose the right advertising platform for your business

5. Conclusion

google ads vs Facebook ads


While both advertising platforms have their benefits, it ultimately comes down to what you're trying to achieve with your advertising campaign. For example, if you're looking for a more targeted approach, then Facebook Ads would be a better choice. But if you're looking for a wider reach, then Google Ads would be the better option.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to advertising for businesses. While Google Ads may work for some types of business, it may not work for yours. This ultimately depends on which platform your targeted audience is congregating at online.

Each type of advertising has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. So, which one should you choose for your business?

Well, it depends on what you're trying to achieve with your campaign goals and where your ideal customers are congregating online.

What is the main difference between Google Ads and Facebook Ads?

One of the biggest differences between Google Ads vs Facebook Ads is the type of audience on each platform and their level of intent for your product/service that you are offering.

While both platforms can target users who see your ads with audience segments, each advertising platform has a difference level of the user's intent.

The Simple Explanation

Google Ads = Target people who are actively searching for your product/services online.

Facebook Ads = You are targeting people who might be interested in your product/service.

The Detailed Explanation:

Google Ads a keyword-based advertising channel that allows you to position your ads in front of potential customers who are actively searching for products or services like yours.

And since the potential customer on Google has initiated the search themselves, they are not getting displayed with a bunch of un-relevant ads which offers a higher value to their search.

Facebook Ads is NOT keyword-based search engine. When it comes to advertising on Facebook. You need creativity and determination for your ad campaign in order make an impact with these users who are active every day!

Facebook Ads is an incredible platform for advertisers who want to reach the right audience with targeted ads. You can use data about your potential customers, like demographics and interests - as well as things like job titles or location-to decide where on Facebook they should show up most often!

Facebook ads targeting options

While Google Ads will cost you more per click/impressions, you can get very creative with Facebook Ads and optimize a campaign that can perform just as good, or even better than Google Ads, but takes a more strategic strategy to get it right.

The Benefits of Google Ads

what are google ads

Google Ads, formally known as Google AdWords, is a form of online advertising that allows businesses to create ads that appear on Google and its partner websites.

There are many benefits of using Google Ads for your business.

First, because Google Ads is a search engine marketing tool, it allows you to reach people when they are actively looking for your products or services, which is a huge benefit for you to position your ad at the top of those searches targeting "ready to take action" people.

Secondly, just like Facebook, you can now target your ads to specific demographics, interests, job titles, etc. This allows you to apply an additional layer of targeting to ensure that you are targeting the right people.

And third, you can track the performance of your ads in real-time so you can make changes and optimize your campaigns as needed.

The Benefits of Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads offers businesses a wide range of targeting options that Google Ads cannot match. With Facebook Ads, businesses can target users by their interests, demographics, and behaviors.

This level of targeting allows businesses to create ads that are more relevant to their target audience, which leads to higher click-through and conversion rates while cutting down costs on your ad spend and cost per lead/customer acquisition.

Not to mention, Facebook Ads are generally cheaper than Google Ads, making them a more budget-friendly option for businesses large and small.

How to choose the right advertising platform for your business

The initial thing you should consider is your audience. Where do your customers usually look for products or services like yours? For example, are they more likely to use Google or Facebook? You can figure this out by checking the monthly keyword volume on Google or optimizing your target reach on Facebook. Doing either of these things will help you better understand which platform contains the most potential customers for you.

The second factor to consider is targeting. Facebook Ads offers much more targeting flexibility than Google Ads, so if you want to target a specific audience, Facebook is the better option. If you're a business that offers emergency services (plumbers, lawyers, etc.), then Google Ads might be your best choice. Nobody is searching Facebook for answers in an emergency, they are searching Google.

The third consideration is money. Facebook Advertisements are typically less expensive than Google Ads, so if you have a limited budget, Facebook may be the superior choice.

Additionally, Facebook Ads gives you more flexibility to better your ads based on eliminating ad waste while improving interaction and conversion rates. If done correctly, you can get the same quality clicks as Google Ads but for a fraction of the costs.

Ultimately, when it comes to Google Ads vs Facebook Ads, the best advertising platform for your business depends on your specific needs and goals. Consider which platform offers the best targeting options, the cheapest prices, and the largest reach where your potential customers are congregating at.